Access to the prescribed learning activities and the Jurisprudence Learning Module will be limited on Wednesday, November 1, 2023. Learn more.


Happy holidays

December 22, 2009

Best wishes from ACP staff to you for a happy, healthy holiday season and New Year.

Note: The ACP office will be closed between 1 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 24, 2009 and 8 a.m., Mon., Jan. 4, 2010.

Reminder: Permission needed to store records off site

December 1, 2009

Amendments to the Pharmacy and Drug Regulation brought a new off-site record keeping requirement for all pharmacies.

Section 12(3):

Required records must be maintained at the pharmacy unless the licensee has applied to the registrar in writing to store them at...

Took immunization course before Dec. 31, 2008?

December 1, 2009

All pharmacists who successfully completed an approved training program prior to Dec. 31, 2008 have until Dec. 31, 2009 to apply for authorization.

Pharmacists seeking authorization to administer drugs by injection must apply to the college within one year of successf...

H1N1 decision-making algorithm revised

November 17, 2009

Alberta Health and Wellness made changes to their Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Influenza Clinical Decision-Making Tool recently. The revised copy is now posted on the ACP website.

Significant change: Under Laboratory...

Cautionary tale: Septra Suspension

November 17, 2009

When dispensing Septra Suspension, which has now been genericized and contains sulfamethoxazole (SMX) 40 mg/mL and trimethoprim (TMP) 8 mg/mL, be careful when calculating volume based on a prescription written in mg of trimethoprim (TMP).  This will help you avoid the error recently brought to ACP’s attention.


Pharmacy Technician renewals due Nov. 30

November 17, 2009

Renewals for the pharmacy technician voluntary register are due by Nov. 30, 2009. The fee for a voluntary registered technician for Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2010 is $81.90. Technicians can complete their renewal online in less than 5 minutes.

Forgot your password?

You can take advantage of a brand...

Psst... know any good pharmacists?

November 17, 2009

Help us celebrate the pharmacists and pharmacies who elevate the reputation of the profession. Nominate them for an APEX Award.

To view all the APEX Award categories and nomination forms, click ...

New: Practice Development influenza course

November 17, 2009

Practice Development is pleased to offer you this timely and exciting learning opportunity!  If you are working in direct patient care settings and are interested in providing patient care services related to influenza, this course is ideal for you.

This distance learning course features an ins...

Reminder – 3 more regional meetings this week

November 17, 2009

Last night’s kick off of ACP regional meetings was a huge success in Lethbridge. Over 60 pharmacists and pharmacy technicians came to listen, ask questions, and offer feedback.

Don't miss your opportunity to get information first-hand and to have input into what’s happening in...

Help your patients understand adapting

November 17, 2009

You've told us you need resources to help patients understand pharmacists’ expanding scope of practice.

In response, ACP has produced the brochure: Understanding your pharmacists’ role in renewing or adapting your prescription. The broc...

Pharmacists’ tools to help prevent seniors’ falls

November 3, 2009

This week saw the province-wide launch of the second annual Seniors’ Falls Prevention Month campaign under the overall slogan "Finding Balance".  

An important component of the campaign is a website at ...

Updated H1N1 FAQ

November 3, 2009

Will any Albertan be able to receive antivirals from NAS?

On Oct. 27, ACP received the following direction from AHW:

All prescriptions for antivirals should be filled out of the NAS unless the prescriber specifically and clearly indicates otherwise on the script.

Further clarification given by AHW on Oct. 30:


New antiviral treatment prescription form circulating

November 3, 2009

Alberta Health Services is circulating a new Tamiflu prescription form. This is a valid prescription form and should be accepted by pharmacies.

The form, available in a "registrants only" format, can be viewed on ACP's website. It is in the ...

Non-OraSweet recipes for Tamiflu suspension

November 3, 2009

The Edmonton Drug Information Centre has prepared the following recipes. These recipes can be used as alternatives for compounding Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) suspension should OraSweet SF and Methycellulose continue to remain on backorder.


Maximum Tamiflu re-order quantities increased

November 3, 2009

The pharmacy re-order of Tamiflu maximum was increased, effective Oct. 29, to:

  • 40 boxes of 10 doses -- 75mg
  • 10 boxes of 10 doses -- 30mg
  • 10 boxes of 10 doses -- 45mg

Contact your local McKesson Canada distributor to re-order. Try to a...