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H1N1 decision-making algorithm revised

November 17, 2009

Alberta Health and Wellness made changes to their Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Influenza Clinical Decision-Making Tool recently. The revised copy is now posted on the ACP website.

Significant change: Under Laboratory Testing.

Laboratory testing for pH1N1 will be limited to hospitalized patients with severe illness, the Tarrant Flu Watch program, and MOH-investigated outbreaks.

Minor change: Under Treatment with Tamiflu.

Reporting information for serious adverse events related to antivirals added.

Minor changes: Under Management of Mild Illness.

  • Update to self isolation period for those who work/interact with populations at high risk for influenza-related complications, i.e., self-isolation for 7 days after illness onset or until symptoms resolve and they are feeling well enough to fully participate in normal day-to-day activities, whichever is longer.
  • Update to bullet three. Changed 1-2 meters to 2 meters for the distance to maintain between individuals in the household.

Originally published in the November 17, 2009, issue of The Link

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