Access to the prescribed learning activities and the Jurisprudence Learning Module will be limited on Wednesday, November 1, 2023. Learn more.


Five questions for fall

July 24, 2012

Summer is swooshing by, the new Crayola 64-packs are in stores, and thoughts are turning back to school. What learning are you contemplating for the fall? What could inject some zip in your career and some zing in your patient care?

Five questions for fall

When deciding what areas of practice you might like to know more about, consider these question...

Bugs & Drugs update scheduled for October

July 24, 2012

Alberta Health Services has confirmed that the new edition of Bugs & Drugs (hardcopy and iPhone app) is tentatively planned for release in October.

For those who missed advance ordering, or would like to change their previous choice, upon release there will be a mechanism for purchasing the handbook. Fi...

Pharmacy technicians alone in the dispensary?

July 24, 2012

Answer this:
If you are the only pharmacist working with a pharmacy technician (i.e., a regulated health professional who has met all the conditions required for that restricted title), can you step out for coffee for 15 minutes? What about going to a meeting for an hour?

Pharmacy technicians alo...

Requirements for assessment with compliance packaging

July 24, 2012

Does a pharmacist have to assess a patient’s drug therapy and health history for every one of their blister packs?

Requirements for assessment with compliance packaging

Standard 3.1(b) dictates that a pharmacist must consider appropriate information to assess the patient...

Temporary pharmacy closures: Who to ask; what to do

July 10, 2012

Did you know that a community pharmacy may be granted authorization to temporarily close on one occasion during each calendar year for up to a maximum of 14 consecutive days?

However, licensees must ensure that any temporary closure is conducted in accordance with all requirements.


ACP employment opportunity: Assessment Manager

July 10, 2012

The Assessment Manager will manage programs that assess pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to:

  • measure and monitor competence, or
  • to grant authorizations for additional prescribing or administering injections.

The Assessment Manager will also coordinate the...

Adapting: What would you do?

July 10, 2012

On the back cover of the July/Aug acpnews, we posed a scenario about a man seeking a refill on a prescription to treat his eczema and asked what you would do. Here is one pharmacist’s take and our answer to his question.