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Temporary pharmacy closures: Who to ask; what to do

July 10, 2012

Did you know that a community pharmacy may be granted authorization to temporarily close on one occasion during each calendar year for up to a maximum of 14 consecutive days?

However, licensees must ensure that any temporary closure is conducted in accordance with all requirements.

Temporary pharmacy closures: Who to ask; what to do

It’s summer time and the livin’ is easy – but make sure it’s easy for your patients too. Unauthorized and unannounced pharmacies closures have the potential to significantly disrupt patient care and may form the basis for a referral to the complaints department.

Before you consider temporarily closing your pharmacy, ensure you comply with the requirements under the regulations to the Pharmacy and Drug Act and the ACP Temporary Pharmacy Closures guidelines.

The provisions for temporary closures require a licensee, in part, to:

  • gain authorization from the Registrar 30 days prior to the temporary closure start (i.e., not just notify ACP).;
  • use in-store postings to notify patients of the upcoming temporary closure;
  • post exterior signage and use telephone messaging to advise the public about details of the closure and to assist patients of the pharmacy in continuing their care; and
  • provide for emergency access to patient records.

If you have any questions or concerns with these guidelines or applicable regulations under the PDA, contact the ACP Registration Department at 1-780-990-0321 or

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