Access to the prescribed learning activities and the Jurisprudence Learning Module will be limited on Wednesday, November 1, 2023. Learn more.


Alternative to commercially available dexamethasone elixir

March 24, 2015

In follow up to an article published in the Feb. 10, 2015 issue of The Link regarding dose volumes for pediatric patients, one of our registrants made us aware of an alternative to commercially available dexamethasone elixir. The recipe has good stability, is we...

Dispensing the authorized quantity of biological prescriptions

March 24, 2015

ACP was recently made aware of a patient who received a prescription for seven doses of filgrastim (Neupogen®) when discharged from a hospital. When the patient filled the prescription at his community pharmacy, he received 10 doses (with instructions to use...

Pharmacy Facebook pages

March 24, 2015

Does your pharmacy Facebook page meet the requirements of a pharmacy website?

Section 23 of the Pharmacy and Drug Regulation outlines the information a licensee must display on a pharmacy website. If your pharmacy Facebook page does not contain all of the necessary informat...

Apply by May 15 for ACP's Second Annual Leadership Forum

March 24, 2015

ACP has engaged the Banff Centre for Leadership to facilitate our second annual Leadership Forum. ACP is now inviting applications from aspiring pharmacist and pharmacy technician leaders to participate in this professional development opportunity.



Competence Program congratulations and team challenge

March 24, 2015

All of us at the ACP congratulate the 3,098 pharmacists who have already completed the prescribed Continuing Competence Program (CCP) tutorial online. Now, there are only three more steps remaining for you to meet program requirements by May 31, 2015.


Questionnaire for pharmacy professionals

March 10, 2015
The Alberta Committee of Citizens with Disabilities (ACCD) has undertaken a research study on Accessible Dental, Eye Care, and Pharmacy Services in Alberta, and is collecting data using focus groups, accessibility surveys, and questionnaires. Ple...

Preventing incidents with Clear Care contact lens solution

March 10, 2015

The Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada (ISMP Canada) has received reports from consumers who experienced pain and burning in the eyes after confusing Clear Care contact lens solution with a multi-purpose contact lens solution. Clear Care solution contain...

March is Pharmacy Awareness Month

March 10, 2015

March is Pharmacy Awareness Month! It’s time to celebrate the great work that’s happening in pharmacy and let the public know how you can help them.

Council update

March 10, 2015

ACP council has incorporated more long-term (10 years and beyond) and strategic (3-5 years) discussions into its annual business cycle, and has therefore increased the frequency of meetings. Council met on February 25 and 26; most of the discussion was dedicated to identifying strategic goals for the next 3-5 years. Guided by its ...