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Health Canada updates compliance and monitoring resources

May 18, 2022

Health Canada has developed a single webpage directory of their controlled substance resources.

Health Canada has developed a landing page to provide a comprehensive reference directory. This resource provides a one-stop listing of compliance and monitoring resources for parties regulated under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and its associated regulations as well as section 56 exemption holders. Information is organized per regulated party including

  • licensed dealers,
  • pharmacists,
  • practitioners,
  • law enforcement,
  • class exemptees, and
  • importers of designated devices.

The pharmacists section contains links to valuable resources including policy documents, the loss or theft reporting portal, Section 56(1) exemption information for pharmacists prescribing controlled substances, and a new quick reference guide for pharmacists dispensing and purchasing controlled substances. This quick reference guide includes the following information for various types of controlled substances:

  • prescription and dispensing requirements,
  • how the section 56(1) exemption applies, and
  • requirements for purchase records.
Health Canada’s quick reference guide replaces the ACP Prescription Regulations Summary Chart as a source of information for purchasing and dispensing controlled substances.

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