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ACP Council names its 2022-23 executive committee

May 18, 2022

Two new members will join the committee after being elected by their Council peers.

ACP Council’s executive committee will welcome two new members as of July 1, 2022.

Patrick Zachar, a community pharmacist from District 2 (southern Alberta) has been selected as Council’s president-elect. He will join the executive committee as of July 1, 2022, and will serve a one-year term as Council president starting July 1, 2023. Jane Wachowich, a public member from Calgary, was elected by her peers as executive member at large.

Effective July 1, 2022, the executive committee of Council will include the following members: 

  • Irene Pfeiffer (Public Member), President;
  • Patrick Zachar (District 2), President-elect;
  • Peter Macek (District 1), Past President;
  • Jane Wachowich (Public Member), Executive Member at Large; and 
  • Greg Eberhart, Registrar (non-voting). 

Patrick was elected to Council in 2020 and began serving his three-year term on July 1 of that year. Jane was appointed to Council for a three-year term beginning on June 24, 2021. Her background is in corporate and commercial law and mid-sized business operations. She is an experienced executive officer, a board member, and is a pro-bono corporate legal advisor. She is a founder and the executive director of Youth Centres of Calgary.  

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