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ACP Regional Meetings: save the date

March 15, 2017

It’s Regional Meeting time again! ACP council president Taciana Pereira and registrar Greg Eberhart will be visiting Fort McMurray and Calgary, and chatting with you via live webinar this spring.

During these sessions, we will be facilitating discussion about two important topics affecting pharmacy practice in Alberta:

  • Modernizing role statements for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians (continuing the discussion from our fall 2016 meetings)
  • Changing the name of College to reflect the integration of pharmacy technicians

All pharmacists and pharmacy technicians are encouraged to join ACP for an evening of discussion to explore these topics. In addition, part of the meeting will be dedicated to an open forum to hear what is on your mind and gain an understanding of the issues affecting you locally.

A formal email invitation will be sent to you within the next week. In the meantime, please mark the following dates in your calendar:

April 11 – Live webinar 
April 20 – Fort McMurray (location TBD)
May 2 – Calgary (location TBD)

Don’t forget: you can claim participation at regional meetings as non-accredited learning.

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