Access to the prescribed learning activities and the Jurisprudence Learning Module will be limited on Wednesday, November 1, 2023. Learn more.


Should ACP change its name?

March 29, 2017

ACP is responsible for governing the practice of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians; complementary but distinct professions. Our college is also responsible for governing licensed pharmacies.

One of ACP’s five strategic goals is to integrate pharmacy technicians into pharmacy practice teams, exercising responsibility for roles they...

Council update

March 29, 2017

Council convened on March 2-3, 2017, to review trends observed and experienced by ACP in 2016, along with emerging issues. Council considered these issues and trends in context with ACP’s five strategic goals outlined in: ...

ACP Spring 2017 Regional Meetings

March 28, 2017

All pharmacists and pharmacy technicians are invited to join ACP president Taciana Pereira and registrar Greg Eberhart at our Spring 2017 Regional Meetings. 

During these sessions, we will be facilitating discussion about two important topics:

Reminder: provide your input on role statements by March 31

March 15, 2017

We are looking for your input on the role statements for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. Why is this so important? Role statements provide meaning to individuals and families who use pharmacy services, and provide clarity to other health professionals, communit...

CCP portfolio assessors needed

March 15, 2017

Would you like a front-row view of what’s happening in pharmacy practice? Would you like to contribute to the growth of our professions?

If you answered yes, you may be just who we’re looking for! We’re recruiting pharmacists to serve as assessors for the upcoming Continuing Competence Program (CCP) audit.


Should ACP change its name?

March 15, 2017

In September, council discussed proposals from pharmacy technicians to change the name of the college to be more inclusive of both pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. Council was provided an analysis of the impact, opportunities, and risks. Council agreed that future discussion about the proposed name change should be informed by a plan that inclu...

ACP Regional Meetings: save the date

March 15, 2017

It’s Regional Meeting time again! ACP council president Taciana Pereira and registrar Greg Eberhart will be visiting Fort McMurray and Calgary, and chatting with you via live webinar this spring.

During these sessions, we will be facilitating discussion about two important topics affecting pharmacy practice in Alberta:


Council elections now open

March 15, 2017

Voting officially opened at 8:00 a.m. on March 15 for council positions for a pharmacist in District 2 (Southern Alberta) and District 3 (Edmonton), and for a pharmacy technician in District B (Southern Alberta). The successful candidate in District 3 will serve a two-year term on council; as this is the residual of the term held by current presi...

Pharmacy Education Course - Canadian Sleep Society Conference

March 1, 2017

Part of the Canadian Sleep Society Conference, this one-day continuing education event aims to help pharmacists address their education needs in terms of the screening, assessment, and management of sleep disorders.

The event will be hel...