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Veterinary antimicrobial sales must be reported

March 17, 2021

Health Canada’s reporting system is now open for pharmacies to submit 2020 compounding and sales data.

Following is a reminder from Health Canada about the rules for annual compounding and sales reporting of medically important antimicrobials:

The Veterinary Antimicrobial Sales Reporting (VASR) system is now open for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians who compound antimicrobials on List A for veterinary use, to submit their 2020 compounding and sales data. This marks the third year of data collection since the regulations came into force.

Annual sales for compounds containing active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) must be reported by pharmacists and pharmacy technicians who compound products for veterinary use using antimicrobial ingredients on List A that are sourced as (i.e., meaning any of the following inputs into the final compounded product) any of the following:

  • an API set out on List A (such as the raw ingredient),
  • a human drug in dosage form [e.g., products with a drug identification number (DIN)] containing an API set out on List A, or
  • a veterinary drug in dosage form (e.g., products with a DIN) containing an API set out on List A, in particular when compounded for food-producing animals.

Compounding and sales data for the year 2020 must be reported by March 31, 2021. If you need to be added to the VASR system to report your data or would like to receive an instructional guide of how to report in the VASR system, please contact Health Canada at

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