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Unsure about your implementation record?

April 3, 2019

Advice from peer assessors.

Creating and submitting an implementation record, as part of your professional portfolio, can be a stressful experience if you are not confident in your content or uncertain about what the assessors are looking for. This article will give you some insight on what you should be thinking about as you prepare to submit your professional portfolio. The advice for the implementation record was identified by peer assessors participating in the pharmacist and pharmacy technician audit process.

The implementation record is an on-line form on the CCP web portal. It documents the learning you have implemented into your practice, why you chose to implement it, and what your objective was for implementing this learning.

When the assessors are evaluating this section, they are looking for evidence that strongly shows the implementation objective was achieved.

Here’s an example of how to present your learning:

  1. As part of the implementation objective write that you are going to apply your newly acquired knowledge about a tool and that you will implement it into practice to help further your patient’s well-being.
  2. Then check the box that says, “transfer of knowledge, skill or ability to patients or other health professionals.”
  3. Then under your one piece of documentation that provides evidence of implementation, upload the tool from your learning (e.g., the QUIT chart from CPhA, or a DOAC assessment) that was used with a patient. This is a strong piece of evidence as the assessors can see how the tool was used and applied in practice.

Be sure to include as much detail as possible in your written responses. This will give the assessors a clear understanding of your process and outcome. In other words, the assessors can clearly understand what you did and why. To help demonstrate your learning, consider putting more pages in the file you upload. While files are limited to five megabytes, they are not limited to the number of pages. Multiple pages will allow more supporting documentation to be provided. When you are deciding what to upload, keep in mind that pages with graphics will use more space in your file.

Once you have compiled your documents, and before you upload the file, ask yourself how does your evidence show the peer assessors that your implementation objective was achieved? How does it demonstrate that the registrant implemented their learning into practice?

We encourage pharmacy professionals to collaborate in their learning and complete joint work projects. However, learning and implementation records must be completed individually and showcase their personal learning. Replicating another professional’s work is considered false and misleading information, according to the Health Professions Act, and may lead to a complaint being filed with ACP’s Complaints Department.

Registrants are reminded to ensure they remove or render all identifying patient information unreadable.    

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