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Thinking of applying for a compounding and repackaging licence?

August 19, 2020

Pharmacies must be inspected before being issued a new compounding and repackaging licence.

Starting immediately, pharmacies applying for a compounding and repackaging licence must undergo an inspection by an ACP pharmacy practice consultant. Pharmacies will need to demonstrate adherence to all applicable standards and legislation to receive their licence. Pharmacies must have this licence before they can provide these services to other sites with which they have established compounding and repackaging agreements.

Pharmacies with compounding and repackaging licences are authorized to provide compounding and/or repackaging services to licenced pharmacies or institution pharmacies, who then dispense or sell these drugs to patients. A compounding and repackaging licence comes with the responsibility to ensure that products are prepared and packaged in accordance with the following:

As a reminder, it is the responsibility of the licensee that information provided to ACP regarding pharmacy facilities and provision of pharmacy services, including the pharmacy layout, and level of and type of compounding being provided, must be consistent with details provided to ACP at the time of application. Any changes to provision of services or intentions to renovate will require advance ACP approval. If in doubt, please reach out to our registration department at

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