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Rxcellence network recruiting pharmacists

February 9, 2022

Pharmacists will have opportunities to develop and apply health research skills with the goal of enhancing patient care.

The University of Alberta’s EPICORE Centre is looking for pharmacists to participate in its new Rxcellence network. The network’s mission is to enhance patient care provided by pharmacists and pharmacy technicians by supporting and promoting practice-based research. The Rxcellence network also aims to help implement cutting-edge care for patients, such as identification and management of hypertension, eradicating hepatitis C in the community, and implementing a medication sick day program for patients with diabetes, heart failure, or chronic kidney disease.

Among the Rxcellence network’s objectives are the following:

  • develop and maintain infrastructure for facilitating practice-based research for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians,
  • provide learning and professional development opportunities,
  • assist pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in developing and applying health research skills, and
  • assist pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in developing their own original research.

Currently, Rxcellence is recruiting pharmacists for research on equitable hepatitis C care and a study exploring the “invisible layer” of change that has occurred in pharmacists’ roles and identity due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

To learn more or join the network, visit the Rxcellence page of the EPICORE Centre website. The EPICORE (Epidemiology Coordinating and Research) Centre is a clinical trials and health services research centre.

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