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Reminder: masks still required in pharmacies

December 22, 2021

Masks must be worn in indoor public spaces at all times with some exceptions.

ACP has received several reports in recent weeks of pharmacy team members not wearing masks while working in the pharmacy. This is a reminder that, as stated in the Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) public health order 44-2021, “a person must wear a face mask at all times while attending an indoor public place.”

There are exceptions to this requirement listed in the CMOH order, such as individuals who are unable to wear a mask due to a health condition as determined by an authorizing health professional. However, generally speaking, pharmacy team members are expected to wear a mask at all times while working in a pharmacy.

Regulated members are also reminded of ACP’s COVID-19 Guidance for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians. The section on Personal protective equipment (PPE) for direct patient care encourages pharmacy team members to adhere to infection prevention and control measures (IPAC), including continuous masking wherever possible.

The AHS document Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - Guidance to Help Make Continuous Masking Work for You provides practical suggestions and tips on managing the challenges that pharmacy personnel may experience while wearing a mask continuously.

ACP recognizes that pharmacy teams are under incredible pressure to meet the public’s needs and adhering to CMOH orders can be challenging at times. However, by implementing a continuous masking strategy, pharmacy personnel minimize exposure to COVID-19 for both patients and coworkers and lead by example in their communities. 

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