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Prevention is key

February 17, 2021

An important message from police about robbery prevention.

Please note the following message from the Calgary Police Service (CPS):

Attention Calgary and area pharmacies: The Calgary Police Service is still working on apprehending the group responsible for the ongoing robbery series. Since January 1, 2021, there have been 13 pharmacy robberies in Calgary, with some of them becoming increasingly aggressive in nature. From between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., it is recommended that you lock your doors and allow one customer in at a time if you are not familiar with them. In the event you see or experience anything suspicious, please contact 911 ASAP.

CPS has more advice on preventing and reporting robberies on its website.

Other areas of the province are also experiencing an increase in robbery activity in recent months.

Pharmacy teams are encouraged to review the new robbery and burglary section of the ACP website. You’ll find information on how to prevent robberies and burglaries, what to do during a robbery, and what to do after a robbery or burglary. There are also useful resources from the police, the Province of Alberta, and more.

If your pharmacy is robbed during business hours or broken into after hours, ACP encourages you to report the incident to the college on a voluntary basis. An online reporting form is available in the robbery and burglary section of the ACP website. Reporting robberies and burglaries will allow ACP to securely share information with your colleagues that could help them prevent future events. The information collected may help the college with future policy decisions.

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