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Physician assisted death

March 23, 2016

Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians are reminded to review the guidance provided by ACP respecting their limited role in supporting physicians in physician assisted death (PAD), ACP’s preliminary and supplementary guidance documents complement one and other, and should be read concurrently.

We have posted a copy of the inaugural decision from the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench, authorizing PAD for an individual on March 1, 2016. You will be asked for your username and password to view the document. This is a good reference for you to better understand considerations of the courts when considering an application for PAD during the period up to June 6, 2016.

A standardized prescription protocol has been developed for PAD, and can also be accessed on ACP’s website. Again, your username and password will be required. You are encouraged to review this protocol to be familiar with the drugs you will require if called upon to support a physician providing PAD.

Alberta Health has initiated a public consultation on PAD, to better inform government about public perspectives when developing provincial legislation on PAD. ACP’s working group will be developing a response on behalf of ACP.  Should you wish to contribute personally the survey can be accessed here

Alberta Health Services has developed a new portal, providing access to additional resources on PAD.  Please access these should you wish additional background information and guidance on PAD.

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