Access to the prescribed learning activities and the Jurisprudence Learning Module will be limited on Wednesday, November 1, 2023. Learn more.

Pharmacy Technicians: less than 3 months to go before your professional portfolios are due!

September 7, 2016

In less than three months from now, we’ll be celebrating the successful completion of your first year in the Continuing Competence Program (CCP)! The November 30th deadline may seem far away now, but your professional portfolios will be due before you know it.

If you’ve already been working on your professional portfolio, we encourage you to keep the momentum going! If you haven’t started yet, now is the time to take the first step. We recommend starting with the CCP Tutorial, as it provides an in-depth look at the program and helps you become familiar with its requirements. This is particularly important if you are planning to attend competence director Debbie Lee’s CCP presentation at the upcoming PTSA conference in Calgary. Complete the tutorial in advance so you are better prepared for and get the most out of Debbie’s session!

In order to renew your practice permit, you must complete the following Continuing Competence Program (CCP) requirements by November 30, 2016:

1. Complete the two prescribed activities:

CCP Tutorial
Jurisprudence Self-Assessment

(both are available in the Self-Assessment/Prescribed Activities section of the CCP portal)

2. Complete learning activities – Complete at least 15 CEUs during the CE cycle (December 1, 2015 to November 30, 2016) and document each activity on a Learning Record

3. Put your learning to use – Implement a minimum of one CEU worth of learning into your practice and document this on an Implementation Record (you only need to complete one record)

Wherever you are in your CCP journey, the Competence Team is here to support you along the way!

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