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Pharmacy technicians: Have you reviewed the CCP tutorial yet?

June 29, 2016

One of the first steps you should take in your Continuing Competence Program (CCP) journey is to complete the CCP tutorial. This will help you gain a better understanding of the program and its requirements. The tutorial is available in the Self-Assessment/Prescribed Activities section of the CCP portal, and can be accessed using your ACP registration number and password.

In the tutorial, you will explore how to apply and document your learning by reviewing different examples. Did you know there are four simple ways you could apply your learning? For example, you could:

  1. collaborate with the pharmacist to support patient care;
  2. develop and/or implement a new procedure or tool;
  3. educate a patient/colleague; or
  4. perform a new/reinforced skill and demonstrate competence to a peer.

Remember, you can claim non-accredited CEUs for the tutorial, so by completing it you’re already a couple steps closer to meeting the program requirements!

“The online tutorial was fantastic! I was very pleased with the amount of in-depth thought that went into each scenario and example … the learning and implementation records were thoroughly explained and demonstrated. I have a much better understanding of what is required and how it is required.”

– Pharmacy Technician

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