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Pharmacy Technician CCP: tips for determining an implementation objective

August 10, 2016

As part of the Continuing Competence Program (CCP), you are asked to complete an implementation objective. As a first step, you will need to determine your implementation objective; this means describing how you will apply what you’ve learned during this CE cycle to your practice. With your professional portfolio due November 30, now is a good time to focus on developing your implementation objective

When considering how you might apply your learning, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can I improve my practice/organization using what I’ve just learned?
  • Can I transfer this new knowledge to a patient or colleague?
  • Can I demonstrate my competence in this newly acquired/reinforced skill to a peer?

To determine whether your implementation meets the requirements of the competence program, ensure that your implementation:

  • Results in either an improvement, transfer of knowledge, or verification of competence;
  • Involves another individual (e.g., a patient, a co-worker, another healthcare professional);
  • Produces evidence of implementation;
  • Directly involves the application of at least 1 CEU of newly acquired or reinforced knowledge and/or skills;
  • Relates to one of the pharmacy domains (pharmacy practice, medication/device knowledge, systems-based practice).

Additional information and tips on how to complete the CCP is available in the mandatory CCP tutorial which is located in the Self-Assessment/Prescribed Activities section of the CCP portal. For more information on the program, please refer to the CCP requirements and/or contact a member of the competence department.

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