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Pharmacy teams: your dedication is inspiring

January 11, 2023

A message from ACP Council president Irene Pfeiffer.

As we reflect on the previous year, I think it is safe to say that 2022 continued the trend of presenting new and unexpected challenges for pharmacy teams. Throughout the year, pharmacy teams across the province navigated staffing shortages, medication shortages, and then the triple threat of COVID-19, influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

Even amidst this uniquely challenging time, pharmacy technicians and pharmacists continued to provide extraordinary care. When children’s medication ran out, pharmacy teams compounded infants’ and children’s products to keep families safe. When staffing shortages impacted pharmacies across the province, so many of you worked countless extra hours and shifts to ensure your community had access to pharmacy services.

These efforts have not gone unnoticed. I had the opportunity to connect with many pharmacy teams across the province through pharmacy visits, ACP Connect, and events for new regulated members in 2022. I have seen the work that goes into upholding a high level of care in challenging times. These exceptional efforts matter to your patients and to your communities. I have been continually inspired by the dedication to providing quality patient care that has been demonstrated by so many pharmacy professionals.

On behalf of ACP’s Council, I extend a heartfelt thank you to each and every pharmacist and pharmacy technician who continues to support Albertans.

From Council’s perspective, we will continue to work towards achieving the goals in ACP’s 2021-25 Strategic Plan, while remaining nimble to adapt and respond to changing needs and conditions in Alberta’s healthcare landscape. Our priorities for 2023 include a modern and relevant practice framework, data intelligence, and meeting practice expectations.

Regarding our goal of having a modern and relevant practice framework in place, Council will be reviewing a draft of new Standards of Practice for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians (SPPPT) in January 2023. From there, we look forward to hearing from pharmacists and pharmacy technicians through the consultation process.

The current SPPPT have been in place since 2007. As you all know, there have been many changes to the healthcare landscape in the past 15 years. The new standards will be patient centred, outcome oriented, and applicable in all practice settings, with a focus on patient assessment. I hope to see extensive input and feedback from registrants; this is your opportunity to contribute to the regulatory framework that governs pharmacy in Alberta. Every piece of feedback is reviewed and considered through this process.  

I also look forward to continuing to connect with pharmacy professionals in the coming months. It has been a highlight of my term serving as president to witness first-hand pharmacy teams’ dedication to upholding the well-being of their patients and communities.  

As we look towards the new year, I hope 2023 presents fewer obstacles, but I am confident that, whatever this new year has in store, Alberta’s pharmacy teams will be prepared to uphold excellence in pharmacy care.

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