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Pharmacists ADAPTing their practices

September 4, 2012

"I am better able to share information and make suggestions to physicians and other health care professionals about patient care, and I can document this information in a more succinct form."

That's just part of what ADAPT did for Jill. What could it do for your practice?

Register now for the October 2012 program. Spaces are limited.

Pharmacists ADAPTing their practices

We spoke with pharmacists Jill and Marjorie who have completed the ADAPT program to find out about their experiences and seek advice for prospective ADAPT participants. Read more pharmacist perspectives on ADAPT in the Sept/Oct issue of acpnews. 

What area of your practice do you think ADAPT helped you grow in the most, and how?

Jill: My collaborative and documentation skills. I am better able to share information and make suggestions to physicians and other health care professionals about patient care, and I can document this information in a more succinct form.

Marjorie: All of them. Probably medication management helped me the most.

Can you describe a scenario where you used the skills learned in ADAPT to provide better patient care?

Jill: During the ADAPT program, I found I was sharing more information on our Kroll system about drug related problems and reminders to do follow-up. It has made a difference to more of our patients as the two other pharmacists in my pharmacy are using the information I have gathered and are adding to it to give better patient care.

Marjorie: In the area of documentation—in the past, I usually just made recommendations. After the ADAPT course, I have learned to be more thorough with the rationales and supporting references.

What is the most valuable thing you learned in ADAPT?

Jill: To continually re-evaluate how I am providing patient care and to look at ways to improve. I definitely improved my confidence level to provide a higher level of care for my patients.

Marjorie: Probably learning to ask questions. In the past I would get sidetracked with much good information when doing research, and lose perspective.

 Is there anything you wish you would have known before starting the program?

Jill: I don’t think I realized how much work I would need to do while I was at the pharmacy. This was beneficial, but it was something I had to plan so I had overlap with another pharmacist. It was also nice to be able to bring what I learned back to my pharmacy so both of the other pharmacists and the fourth-year pharmacy student I work with could benefit as well.

Marjorie: Make sure you are prepared to put in the time that is needed to get maximum learning.

Who would be a good candidate for ADAPT?

Jill: Someone who wants to work on their pharmacy skills, whether they have been practising for a long time or a little, would benefit from ADAPT. For someone who hasn’t been in practice long, it can help increase confidence and build on skills already taught. For someone who has been in practice a long time, it can help to learn new ways of providing certain services and improve on skills and confidence.

Marjorie: Any pharmacist that really has a desire to learn and be willing to recognize their own weaknesses, and not be embarrassed to learn from others who know more.

How can you ADAPT your practice?

The next session runs October 17 to March 5. Register online now at

ADAPT is accredited for 76 CEUs. Pharmacists who successfully complete ADAPT may also challenge a Certificate Assessment process and be awarded a Certificate in Patient Care Skills.

Originally published in the September 4, 2012 issue of The Link

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