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Pharmacist competency review survey - deadline extended

August 11, 2015

The Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (PEBC) is looking for more Alberta pharmacists in active practice to participate in a national survey to evaluate competencies required at entry to professional practice.

Your feedback is critical and important to developing entry to practice evaluations that will ensure candidates are competent before entering practice.

If you currently practice in a patient care setting, ACP encourages you to participate in the survey to help accurately reflect practice in our jurisdiction. Registration to participate in the survey has been extended to August 26, 2015, with a survey completion date of September 13, 2015.

Pharmacists are invited to register to participate at:

Please note that some institutions may block the links to SurveyMonkey. If this occurs, please use a home computer. If the link still does not work, please send your name, personal e-mail address, and province/territory to

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