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New TPP Program Guide available online

August 9, 2017

The Alberta Triplicate Prescription Program (TPP) has developed a new guide to help pharmacists and other health professionals navigate the program. The new Program Guide replaces the previous “Information for the Prescriber and the Dispenser,” and can be accessed via the TPP website.

What’s new?

The guide features a new section outlining your responsibilities as a pharmacist and tips for ensuring data integrity. The triplicate program relies heavily on Pharmaceutical Information Network (PIN) data, especially for medications that don’t require a triplicate but are still monitored through the program. By maintaining accurate data, you’re helping to improve patient care by preventing medication misuse and abuse. Your contributions are appreciated and are integral to the success of Alberta’s triplicate program.

Together, the TPP guide and website contain helpful resources including a new veterinary-specific medication list and detailed information on how to use the TPP prescription form.

One important change to note is the fact that TPP no longer requires all triplicates to be mailed in. Effective July 1, 2017, you only need to send the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA) a copy of the triplicate form for compounds, veterinary use, office use, and prescriptions from the Yukon. You can find more information on this change in the June 21, 2017, issue of The Link.

Pharmacy Use Only section

We have received questions about whether the “Pharmacy Use Only” section of the triplicate needs to be filled out if a copy is not being sent to CPSA. The pharmacy information including date, Rx number, DIN, quantity, and dispensing pharmacist must be recorded on the pharmacy transaction record. Therefore, if the transaction record is filed with the TPP prescription, the pharmacy use only section does not need to be completed. NOTE: a “received by” signature is still required.

To learn more about TPP, please visit

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