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MAID reporting requirements about to take effect

October 31, 2018

As of November 1, 2018, pharmacists who dispense drugs to support MAID will be required to report basic information.

Pharmacists who dispense drugs to support the delivery of medical assistance in dying (MAID) services will be required to fulfil new reporting regulations effective November 1, 2018. New federal regulations require that dispensing pharmacists report the following information:

  • the patient’s name and health insurance number;
  • the prescriber’s name and registration number;
  • the dispensing pharmacist’s name, registration number, and contact information; and
  • an option to disclose where the substance was dispensed.

A standardized form must be completed in its entirety and submitted to Alberta Health Services via RightFax at 403-592-4266 within 30 days of the drugs being dispensed. Please visit the MAID section of the ACP website for further information.

Under Section 241.31 of the Criminal Code of Canada, pharmacists MUST report the required information within the specified timeframes.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when completing the form:

  • The pharmacy address should be the pharmacist’s primary place of practice, not necessarily where the dispensing occurred.
  • The email address you provide should be the email you use most frequently in the event you need to be contacted.
  • Pharmacists’ reports are to be submitted to Alberta Health Services, which is collecting the information for the Provincial MAID Regulatory Review Committee, on behalf of Alberta’s Minister of Health. Pharmacists’ identity and contact information will be solely retained by Alberta’s Minister of Health and will not be shared with Health Canada.

AHS’ Care Coordination Service will be the main point of contact for all MAID reporting in Alberta. AHS Care Coordination Services will provide access to resources, consultants, and colleagues.

For more information about the reporting requirements, visit the Alberta Health Services (AHS) website. By November 1, 2018, the website will inlcude a link to a recorded webinar for health professionals that provides details about reporting, various MAID scenarios, expectations of practitioners, and more. You can also visit the ACP website for more resources for pharmacy professionals.

If you have questions about the AHS Care Coordination Service, email If you have questions about the new reporting requirements, contact AHS via email at

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