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Inducements update

September 18, 2012

Thank you to everyone who participated in the recent inducement research. We had a great response and really appreciate the time you took to share your opinions, frustrations and hopes.

Over the last two months, ACP commissioned public focus groups in Edmonton, Stettler and Calgary; a series of stakeholder interviews; and a survey and two online discussions with registrants. The results are still being collated, and we will share them when they are ready. For now, here are a few highlights from the registrant survey.

1703 survey participants

Practice areas
Currently work in a practice setting that offers:*

* Multiple responses to this question were allowed.

Inducements - Should they be prohibited?

Council will discuss the results at their upcoming meeting. Stay tuned for next steps.
Originally published in the September 18, 2012 issue of The Link 

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