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Have you tried the sterile compounding self-assessment?

March 31, 2021

User-friendly tool from ACP supports self-assessment to meet the July 1 standards deadline.

On July 1, 2021, all pharmacies in Alberta that perform sterile compounding are required to be in full compliance with the Model Standards for Pharmacy Compounding of Non-Hazardous and Hazardous Sterile Preparations. Is your pharmacy ready?  

Since January 2019, ACP has been busy inspecting pharmacies for compliance with Priorities 1 and 2 of the standards, as well as assessing for movement towards compliance with Priority 3.   

To further assist you to meet these standards, ACP reminds you that a sterile compounding self-assessment tool is available for download. This fillable PDF form can help you identify areas that still need improvement before the deadline and help you prepare for the inspections that will continue beyond July 1, 2021.  

Licensees, pharmacists, and pharmacy technicians are encouraged to download and review this self-assessment tool well in advance of the July 1 deadline. Further information on the Model Standards for Pharmacy Compounding of Non-Hazardous Sterile Preparations, Model Standards for Pharmacy Compounding of Hazardous Sterile Preparations, and additional resources are available on the ACP website.   

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