Access to the prescribed learning activities and the Jurisprudence Learning Module will be limited on Wednesday, November 1, 2023. Learn more.

Happy holidays

December 21, 2017

As another year draws to a close, may we reflect on all we are grateful for. We celebrate the tradition of giving, beauty of the season, and time with friends and loved ones.

In lieu of cards, the Alberta College of Pharmacists is supporting the work of the  Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre in Calgary. AARC is a long-term, family-centric, and full-time addiction treatment centre, designed for the exceptional needs of adolescents. It is our honour this year to gift AARC and support their dedication to helping make a lasting difference in the lives of adolescents and their families.

On behalf of ACP council and staff, we wish you and yours a happy, healthy holiday season and New Year filled with joy and peace.

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