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H1N1 Clinical Decision-Making Tool algorithm updated

October 27, 2009

Changes that were made to the Clinical Decision-Making Tool on Oct. 26:
Significant changes:
  1. The recommendation to test a patient when antivirals are prescribed was removed. In the same bullet, an example (outbreaks in closed settings) was added.
  2. Treatment of children less than 2 years of age is the most current recommendation (changed from less than 5 years of age).
  3. AHW added two notes to remind prescribers of contra-indications and precautions related to use of antivirals (one in the algorithm, one in the table).
Minor changes to algorith:
  • Signs and Symptoms of Acute ILI, under common: malaise and arthralgias were added, to be more consistent with national guidelines.
  • Bloody sputum was added to the list of Indicators of Severe Illness.
  • Under Risk Factors, a few wording changes were made and a few examples were added.

H1N1 Documents for Pharmacists

All documents concerning pharmacist involvement in the provincial H1N1 pandemic plan can be found on the ACP website under H1N1 - pharmacist information in the Bulletin Board section.

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