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Guard against vaccination errors

August 10, 2022

New Pfizer-BioNTech adult formulation for COVID-19 vaccine does not require dilution.

Beginning in August 2022, pharmacies will receive a new product formation for Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Adult Formulation (12 years of age and older) with a grey cap, which does NOT require dilution. This information was previously communicated in an email from Alberta Blue Cross on July 19, 2022.

The Alberta Immunization Policy document for COVID-19 Vaccine (mRNA) – Pfizer ultra frozen vaccine has been updated to include information on this new formation.

To minimize potential errors, it is recommended that pharmacies use up their inventory of old formulation—purple cap (requires dilution)—prior to starting use of the new formulation—grey cap (does NOT require dilution).

In the event of an error, please refer to the drug error reporting tools available on the drug error management page of the ACP website.

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