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Dukoral schedule reminder

December 14, 2010

The Public Health Agency of Canada updated its travel notice for the Dominican Republic and Haiti on Dec. 9. It advised Canadians planning to travel to those locations to consider a cholera vaccine beforehand. 

With this in mind, please remember that Dukoral is only Schedule 2 when used for prophylaxis against travelers’ diarrhea due to enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC). If patients want it as a vaccine against cholera it is a Schedule 1 product and requires a prescription. Read NDSAC's rationale for this difference.

Also remember that counselling about travel should always include more than just immunization information, e.g., safe water, mosquito netting, sunscreen. For resources, look to the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Travel Health and Information for Travel Medicine Professionals web pages.

Originally published in the December 14, 2010, issue of The Link

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