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COVID-19 vaccination best practices

June 23, 2021

Some key points to remember when administering COVID-19 vaccines.

With Alberta reaching and surpassing the required 70 per cent of those eligible receiving their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine, Phase 3 of the Province’s reopening plan will take effect on July 1, 2021. Pharmacy teams across Alberta have played a significant role in reaching this milestone. ACP appreciates the efforts of pharmacy professionals to administer COVID-19 vaccines safely and effectively.

With many Albertans looking to get a first or second dose of the vaccine, the efforts of pharmacy teams will still be vital for months ahead. As a reminder to pharmacy teams who are fulfilling this crucial role, please keep the following important points in mind when administering COVID-19 vaccines:

  • Patients must not be left alone during the post-immunization observation period. A pharmacy team member or a companion must be able to monitor patients during this time. In the event of an adverse reaction to the vaccine, a pharmacy team member must be able to respond to the patient immediately. Patients should not be asked to wait, unsupervised in their care during this period.  
  • If gloves are used, pharmacists must ensure they change their gloves before administering vaccine to each patient. (Refer to page six of the Alberta COVID-19 Pharmacy Immunization Program and/or ACP’s Guidelines for Hand Hygiene.)
  • Pharmacy professionals must ensure that the same needle used to reconstitute a multidose vaccine vial is not used to inject a dose into a patient.
  • Pharmacy professionals must ensure that COVID-19 vaccine administration records are accurate and secured. Blank administration records must be secured to avoid forgeries from occurring. Providing a false record is unprofessional.

For other vaccination best practices, refer to our Link article Providing safe, effective vaccinations from May 26, 2021, and/or ACP’s guideline: Administering injections to patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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