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Consistent use of Netcare vital to patient care

February 15, 2017

Pharmacists are reminded to use Netcare routinely as part of their assessment, care plan, and follow up. This Vital Behavior, originating from the Chat, Check, and Chart series, is an important step in providing optimal patient care.

A recent case reported to the college illustrates the importance of checking Netcare:

A member of an Edmonton Addictions and Mental Health clinic reported that according to the Netcare records, a patient of the clinic was visiting multiple physicians and pharmacies (within a 4-week period) to obtain multiple prescriptions for zopiclone and narcotics. Additionally, the patient was visiting multiple pharmacies to purchase Tylenol #1. Based on this information, it was clear that pharmacists were not consistently checking the patient’s Netcare records prior to determining whether it was appropriate to dispense or sell the requested drugs.

Pharmacists are encouraged to review the Vital  to Chat, Check, and Chart tool card on ACP’s website for more information. 

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