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Co-administration of COVID-19 vaccines and other vaccines

September 29, 2021

With influenza season approaching, Alberta Health has updated its co-administration and spacing requirements.

Alberta Health has announced that COVID-19 (mRNA) vaccines may now be co-administered with other inactivated vaccines. A period of at least 14 days is still recommended between the administration of a COVID-19 (mRNA) vaccine and a live attenuated vaccine or vise-versa. A reminder that review of the patient's immunization record is required prior to the administration of either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines.

Information and additional guidance for both updates can be found online at COVID-19 Immunization, including updated biological pages for the COVID-19 vaccines available in Alberta.

You can also find more information about the 2021-22 influenza season on ACP’s Seasonal influenza information webpage, including Alberta Health’s immunization policy, administration of vaccine, vaccine products, Immunization Regulation, the Influenza Immunization Program, and more.

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