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Annual General Meeting on June 11

April 29, 2014

ACP’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on the evening of June 11 in Edmonton. Council is committed to engagement with our registrants. Therefore, the annual meeting will again be webcast. Please watch The Link for further details about the venue, starting time, and registration instructions.

Voting members in attendance and those who pre-register and participate through distance delivery will constitute the quorum for the meeting. Both those voting members in attendance and those who pre-register and participate through distance delivery will be invited to vote on resolutions (as potentially amended during the AGM) through an electronic ballot after the AGM.

Pre-registered members participating at a distance will be able to participate in the discussion through computer enabled technology, but will not be able to vote on items other than the final resolutions from the meeting.

What resolutions are being discussed?

The following two resolutions will be discussed at this year’s AGM:

  1. Resolution to re-affirm the need to transmit complete prescription information via Netcare
  2. Resolution to mandate all drug sampling be done via drug sample cards dispensed from licensed pharmacies

Who is a voting member?

Section 19 of the ACP bylaws define a voting member as:

  1. A clinical pharmacist or an honourary life-pharmacist registrant
  2. A pharmacy technician or an honourary life-pharmacy technician registrant

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