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Always ensure data integrity and accuracy

July 21, 2021

Pharmacy professionals must be diligent to enter accurate information into Netcare and pharmacy systems. 

To ensure continuity of care for patients, pharmacy professionals must always ensure that the data they enter into Netcare and their pharmacy systems is accurate. This includes the name, practice site, and registration number of the prescribing practitioner.  

In many cases, there are prescribers in Alberta with the same name. Before entering information into Netcare or your pharmacy system, pharmacy professionals should verify that the identifying information entered is accurate by cross-referencing the information to other sources of information available to them, such as the Prescriber Lists provided through the ACP website or contacting the prescriber/clinic.  

Only in circumstances where the prescriber identification number is unknown may the pseudo identification number be used. Every effort should be made to submit the individual prescriber identification number. For example, if entering a prescription written by an optometrist who is already in your pharmacy system, ensure you have the optometrist’s proper prescriber identification number and reference code before submitting the prescription. Recently, Alberta Blue Cross has required enhanced validation of prescriber identification numbers when claims for prescriptions are submitted.  

Being diligent in verifying the identities of prescribers contributes to ensuring safe and appropriate care, data integrity, and accurate patient records. 

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