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Additional doses of COVID-19 vaccine now available for certain groups

September 15, 2021

High-risk individuals or those who are travelling may receive additional doses.

A complete two-dose COVID-19 vaccine series provides strong protection against COVID-19 infection and severe outcomes, including against the Delta variant, in the general population.

However, for some populations, a third dose of vaccine may be required to provide stronger protection for those who have a suboptimal or waning immune response to vaccines, which puts them at increased risk of COVID-19 infection.

To continue protecting Alberta’s most vulnerable, as recommended by the Alberta Advisory Committee on Immunization, the province is making third doses of the COVID-19 vaccine available to those at highest-risk.

Starting September 1, 2021, third doses of COVID-19 vaccine are available for the following high-risk individuals:

  • certain groups of immunocompromised Albertans at an eight-week interval from the second dose, and
  • all residents in seniors’ congregate living facilities at a five-month interval from the second dose.

In addition, supplemental mRNA doses are available to Albertans who are travelling to a jurisdiction that does not accept visitors who have been vaccinated with Covishield/AstraZeneca or a mixed series.

For additional information on qualifications for additional doses of vaccine, guidance, and other resources, refer to the full message from Deena Hinshaw, Chief Medical Officer of Health.

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